ACCA is a rapidly changing and modern accounting organisation providing its students with the best and most up to date study and examination opportunities. Find out what’s new and what’s different about ACCA exams.

Planning to sit your exam in September? Book your exam before 31st of July.
Deadline for standard Exam registration for September 2017 is July 31st. Don’t miss it!
1. Early Birds pay less
Students are given 3 opportunities to register for every exam session. The exam fees are lower if you register earlier. For September exams the early entry deadline was 7th of February. If you missed this opportunity to save a few euros this time around, keep an eye out and book your next exam session as early as possible.
The standard registration for September is open until 31st of July. Be sure not to miss that deadline as exam fees at the late registrations (opened until 7th of August) are considerably higher.
2. Flexibility of four sittings a year
A few years ago ACCA introduced Computer Based Exams (CBE) for lower levels of its qualification (F1-3, F4 English and F4 Global) that can be taken on demand. This means that students have full flexibility over the time and place of their exam: simply book your exams whenever you are ready to sit it at the exam centre most convenient to you. You can find a list of ACCA approved exam centres here.
Another step forward was improving the accessibility of the more advanced exams: F5 – P7 (except F6 IRL and P6 IRL). They can now be taken four times a year in March, June, September and December. This enables the students to accelerate their journey through the exams and get qualified in a faster, more efficient way. These quarterly exam sittings are knowns as “Session CBEs”
3. CBE for F5-F9
The exam session in September 2016 was the first time when students in Ireland were able to choose between a written and a Session CBE exam at the F5 – F9 levels (except F6 IRL).
- This brings great advantages and allows students to make the most out of the exam time as for many typing will be a faster way to give your answer than handwriting.
Feedback from an ACCA Survey had comments such as:
- ‘I’m really happy; I no longer need to worry about my messy handwriting!’
- ‘They’re great! No more cramp in my hand from writing for three hours.’
- ‘I did my F1-F4 exams previously by CBE, so it makes sense to continue doing CBEs.’
- ‘I don’t write at work, so why would I do an exam on paper?’ Content taken from ACCA newsletter. 29/09/2016

4. The Results
Unlike the “on-demand” exams, the Session CBE results are not provided instantly. Exams are scheduled to take place between 4th-8th September 2017 and the Exam results are going to be released on 16th of October 2017.
From all the team we are wishing you all the best in your study, revision and your upcoming exams. Remember that our online tutors are there to help you if you have any questions.